Street Photographers of the mid 20th Century - Call for photos

The Museum of Sydney is planning a Street Photography of the 1930’s-1960’s exhibition for late December 2018 through to mid 2019. The Museum is putting out the call for candid street photographs that were taken during this period, in up to 60 “licensed" locations around the city, that depicted life in the streets of Sydney.  The project is being run by Anne Zahalka a contemporary Australian photo media artist.

From the sounds of the call for contributions, the Museum is not only looking for photographs, but also information about the photographers of the time, as well as lab workers and photographic studio employees, along with associated paraphernalia.

If you or your parents or grandparents have old photo albums lying about, it may be worth having a closer look at them to see if there are any “portraits” taken in the streets that may have been associated with these street photographers

It is a wonderful concept for an exhibition and again shows the value of modern day street photography as important work, documenting people, places and events in the times we live in. 

Museum of Sydney Youtube clip advertising the call for images.